Aerial Firefighting International Airshow & Conference
25th-26th January 2012
Lions Gate Hotel, Garden Pavilion & McClellan Air Field, Sacramento, USA |

Don't miss your opportunity to witness first hand Aerial Firefighting aircraft in action and the technologies used when fighting wildfires.
This Airshow and Conference will prove to be an excellent opportunity for you to network with International Government procurement and operational officers, organisations, manufacturers, operators and service providers from the professional Aerial Firefighting arena.
Event Schedule now confirmed
Wednesday 25th January 2012
0800-0900 Registration & Coffee
0900-1015 Conference Session
1015-1045 Refreshment Break & Networking
1045-1215 Conference Session
1215-1345 Buffet Lunch & Networking
1345-1515 Conference Session
1515-1545 Refreshment Break & Networking
1545-1800 Conference Session
1800 Drinks Reception
Thursday 26th January 2012
(Static & Flying Displays)
0830-1000 Registration & Breakfast at Garden Pavilion
0930-1000 Shuttle bus service to McClellan Airfield
1020 California National Guard presentation on UH72 and UH60 Black Hawk aircraft
1035 US Marines presentation on CH53 and a MV22 Osprey aircraft
1050 NASA/USFS presentation on the B200 aircraft
1105 USAF presentation on the C130 aircraft
1120 Conair & Aeroflite presentation on Convair 580 & Fireboss 802
1140-1230 Refreshment Break & Hangar Demonstrations at McClellan Air Field
1230 Isolair Bell 205 live flying demonstration
1300 Croman SH– 3H live flying demonstration
1330 Dyncorp live flying demonstration
1400 Shuttle bus service to Garden Pavilion
1400-1530 Buffet Lunch & Networking at Garden Pavilion
1530 CALFIRE Facility Tour (Optional)
1700 Event Close
Additional 3 exhibition spaces now made available
Please contact Rebecca if you would like to showcase your services & products as an exhibitor
Attend as a Delegate
Industry Rate: £700/$1120 US
Government/Military Rate: £390/$625 US
The price includes access to the conference, exhibition & Airshow, lunch and refreshments and access to speaker presentations after the event.
Please click here to visit our website for more information on this event and to download the delegate registration form
or contact
Rebecca Covey
Business Development Executive
+44 1628 550047
In addition to the 24 exhibitors and a further 24 companies represented by delegates at the conference,
You can meet with attendees from:
California National Guard, US Air Force, US Marines, Cal Fire, Cal Fire Pilots Association, Cal Fir Air Attack Pilots, United State Forest Service, USFS, Remote Sensing Applications Centre, National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster - Japan, National Forest Fire Prevention Headquarters- State Forestry Administration of China, Israeli Air force, THK Gokcen Aviation & Turkish Government, 302nd Wing Airlight/MAAFS,National Aerial Firefighting Centre -Australia, Head of Protection & Forest Fires - CONAFOR - Mexico, State Aircraft Unit, Victoria – Australia, International Association of Wildland Fire, Advisor to Congresswoman Doris O Matsui, AAF – Associated Aerial Firefighters
Technologies & Products showcased include:
Communication Products, Flight Helmets, Night Vision Goggles & Equipment, Inventory Tracking and Asset Management, MRO & Aviation ground support equipment, Fire Suppression Foams & Gels, Bucket Technologies, Navigation Equipment, Emergency Response ISR, Aviation Mission Equipment, Spray Systems, UAV's, Winches & Hoists.
Supporting Association
