Aerial Firefighting Europe 2013
Conference, Exhibition & Airshow
10th - 11th April 2013
Aix-en-Provence, France
Companies already confirmed:
Nitrofirex, Spain
Leshozsnab, Russia
Budenheim Iberica, Spain
Air Attack Technologies, France
Isolair, USA

It is possible to be one of a limited number of sponsors &
exhibitors at this world leading conference and benefit from the
opportunity to build brand awareness, prestige and recognition
with the International Aerial Firefighting Community.
The event will include a 1½ day conference, supporting
exhibition, a static display of firefighting aircraft and live flying
demonstrations and attracts senior officers and leading experts
from around the globe.
Participation in the Static Display & Live Demonstrations is
also possible.
Who will be there
Attendees will include senior officers and government personnel
responsible for equipment specification & procurement, as well
as policy makers from France and other countries suffering from
& threatened by wildfires, such as Spain, Turkey, Israel, Ireland,
Portugal, Italy, UK, Russia, Greece, Poland, Luxemburg,
Australia, Lebanon, Hungary, Croatia, Netherlands and USA.

Who should participate
This event presents an ideal showcase opportunity for companies with products & services including, but not limited to:
Fixed and rotary winged platforms | Communication Products |
Flight Helmets | Night Vision Goggles & Equipment | Inventory
Tracking and Asset Management | MRO & Aviation ground
support equipment | Fire Suppression Foams & Gels | Bucket
Technologies | Navigation Systems and Equipment | Emergency
Response ISR | Aviation Mission Equipment | Spray Systems |
UAV's | Winches & Hoists
Pictures courtesy of Bombardier Aerospace Corporation, SEI Industries & Russian Helicopters